Two Grains of Sand | Fun Folktale Read-along | Bedtime Stories For Children
#middleeastculture #readalong with us as we dive into this folktale from #saudiarabia! Caught in the middle of a desert storm, a young traveler named Ali meets a mysterious woman named Salma. The lesson in this #storytime is about keeping hope and the enduring power of love against the odds of fate. Stories to Grow By is the #1 destination for bedtime stories for kids on the internet. Read the whole story here: https://storiestogrowby.org/story/two-grains-of-sand/ Subscribe to our channel: @storiestogrowbyLLC Follow us on Instagram: / storiestogrowby Join our Facebook page: / https://www.facebook.com/StoriesToGrowByLLC/ Check out all of our FREE bedtime stories for kids: https://storiestogrowby.org/ Our videos use OpenDyslexic, a font, designed to mitigate some common reading errors caused by dyslexia.