The Tale of Tutokanula | Fun Folktale Read-along | Bedtime Stories For Children
#ReadAlong with us as we dive into this folktale from the #NativeAmerican people of the #Miwok tribe, "The Tale of Tutokanula!" Also known as the creation story of the mountain, El Capitan. The lesson in this #FirstNation #Legend is never judging a book by its cover...or a worm by its size! This story encourages us to see how important community is, and that it sometimes takes a village! Stories to Grow By is the #1 destination for bedtime stories for kids on the internet. Read the whole story here: https://storiestogrowby.org/story/little-boy-girl-in-the-clouds/ Subscribe to our channel: @storiestogrowbyLLC Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/storiestogrowby/ Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StoriesToGrowByLLC Check out all of our FREE bedtime stories for kids: https://storiestogrowby.org/bedtime-stories-kids-free/ Our videos use OpenDyslexic, a font, designed to mitigate some common reading errors caused by dyslexia.